From 28 May 2022, Reckon Accounts Hosted (the online version of Reckon Accounts) will no longer be keeping backups of Reckon files that are over 365 days old.
A backup file is a copy of your file that you can restore a full version from, with all the data (including all historical transactions) at the point you took the backup.
You will likely already have a backup within this 365 day period as a result of upgrading your file to the 2021 version at which point you are forced to take a backup file.
If you have any older backup files that you would like to keep you can download them to your computer. Reckon provide step by step instructions on how to do this here: Downloading backup files from Reckon Accounts Hosted.
Once the backup is on your computer you can store it somewhere safe.
It’s important to take a backup every so often to ensure that in the unlikely event that something does happen to your file, you won’t have to re-enter data from any period longer than when you last took the backup.
As Reckon are keeping backups that were taken within 12 months, you only need to ensure you have at least one from within this period. You can find instructions on taking a backup here: Create a backup file from Reckon Accounts Hosted.
If you do need to restore a backup at any point, instructions for this can be found here: Restoring a backup file to your Reckon Accounts Hosted.
If you have any questions, please contact our Reckon experts at